Online Mentoring Workshop - May 14, 2022
The Society for Anthropological Sciences (SAS) will be holding an online mentoring workshop for student members and early-career members on Saturday, May 14, from 3:00 – 5:00pm Eastern. This is a workshop I’ve run before at our spring meeting, and also have run online as a workshop for students and postdocs at my home institution, Wayne State. I’m offering it to SAS members online this time in recognition of the vital importance, especially during a highly disruptive time for all scholars, for everyone to develop and nurture good mentoring and networking strategies.
Over the years, we have seen that undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and various early-career researchers in the academy and in professional practice need, more than anything, strong mentoring and the ability to develop strong mentoring networks. Under an older model, that would be a single advisor, but that model has given way to an environment where folks benefit from a rich range of mentors and advisors across different institutions. People need multiple mentors with different strengths and skills, which requires network thinking and networking practices. This is especially true for some folks who may not have the particular mentoring they need at their home institutions, which includes some self-identified scientific anthropologists. The workshop is aimed at anyone in the early stages of a professional career in anthropology (academic or otherwise) who might benefit from this approach. It includes hands-on practice in giving 30-second ‘elevator pitches’, developing Individual Development Plans (IDP) for goals and needs, approaching others and asking for mentorship, and more.
This event is
FREE to any SAS members. Anyone can renew or initiate SAS membership at any time through the AAA at
Please promote this event to any interested students, graduate students, postdocs, or early career researchers who might benefit from this workshop.
To preregister for this Zoom event, just go to