2025 Preliminary Program for the Society for Anthropological Sciences/Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meetings
The full preliminary program for the meetings is hosted by the Society for Applied Anthropology.
Below are the Society for Anthropological Science sessions:
Thursday, March 27
Community, Work, and Environmental Challenges in Northern Belize: Reporting on the 2024 Ethnographic Field School in Belize (SAS) — Broadway III, 9:00-10:45 am
- CHAIR: HUME, Douglas (NKU)
Innovative Methods across Diverse Topics and Settings (SAS) — Broadway III, 1:30-3:15 pm
- CHAIR: LYON, Stephen (Aga Khan U)
- FISCHER, Michael (HRAF Yale & U Kent) and RAVULA, Sridhar (HRAF Yale U) Ethnographic Models: Parametrizing Simulations From Ethnographic Data Using Generative AI
- AILYON, Stephen, WAHEED, Muhammad Saad Abbasi, ANWARALI, Aqsa, MURTAZA ALI, Zainab, and AHMED, Faiz (Aga Khan U) Navigating Urban Poverty in Karachi: Survival Strategies in a Global South Mega City
- THIANTHAI, Chulanee (Chulalongkorn U) En-visioning Technological Impacts by Utilizing Traditional Anthropological Research Methods With 6-3-5 Brainwriting, and Risk Map
Ethnographic Field and Data Analysis Methods: One-on-One Mentoring Event (SAS) — Broadway III, 3:45-5:30 pm
- CHAIR: HUME, Douglas (NKU)
- MENTORS: COPELAND, Toni (UA), LYON, Stephen (Aga Khan U), CHRISOMALIS, Stephen (Wayne State U), SKOGGARD, Ian (Yale U HRAF), DRESSLER, William and OTHS, Kathryn (UA), GATEWOOD, John (Lehigh U), LOWE, John (Cultural Analysis), SCHENSUL, Jean (ICR), DENGAH, Francois (FSU), THOMAS, Michael (Space Doctors)
Friday, March 28
Methodological Pluralism, Part I (SAS) — Broadway III, 9:00-10:45 am
- CHAIR:CHRISOMALIS, Stephen (Wayne State U)
- CHRISOMALIS, Stephen (Wayne State U) Building Methodological Pluralism Into Graduate Pedagogy
- THOMAS, Michael (Space Doctors) Vibes and Feels: Complementarity of Semiotic and Data Analysis for Materializing Cultural Model Hypotheses
- PERKINS, Carrie (Soka U) Immersive Methods: VR, Photogrammetry, and Multimodal Ethnography in Practice
- NAYLOR, Ryan (PSU) Sustainable Livelihoods and Sovereignty: Methodological Insights From Community-Engaged Research in Southeast Alaska
Methodological Pluralism, Part II (SAS) — Broadway III, 11:15 am-1:00 pm
- CHAIR: LEAF, Murray (UT Dallas)
- LEAF, Murray (UT Dallas) Experiments in Applied Anthropology
- YANG, Danlu (OR State U) Linguistic Plurality in a Global Structure of Inequality: From a Multinational Translation Project to World Anthropologies
- SHEVCHENKO, Anastasia V. (LAPCOS) Exploring the Idiographic-Nomothetic Dilemma to Develop Acculturation Theory: The Case for Monaco
- FRAYSER, Suzanne (Cultural Insights) The CCCCC: More Than Just an Old Project
- BURGER, Annetta (Oak Ridge Nat’l Lab) The Evolving Roles for Anthropologists in the Computational Social Sciences
Cultural Consensus Analysis (SAS Workshop, Fee $50) — Broadway II, 1:00-6:00 pm
- GATEWOOD, John (Lehigh U) and LOWE, John (Cultural Analysis)
What’s New in Cross-Cultural Research? (SCCR-SAS) — Galeria III, 1:30-3:15 pm
- ESCASA-DORNE, Michelle (UCCS), YOUNG, Sharon Marie and GECEWICZ, K. Chimene (USM) Reproductive Wisdom Across Cultures: Using the Probability Sample Files to Understand Sources of Pregnancy Advice
- KING, Samantha, DROE, Anj, HECKLESMILLER, Cynthiann, and EMBER, Carol (HRAF Yale U) Context Matters: Understanding the Ethnographic Dimensions of Hazards
- EMBER, Carol R. and SKOGGARD, Ian (Human Relations Area Files Yale U), GELBART, Benjamin (UCSB) To Share or Not to Share?: Resource Stress, Natural Hazards and Beyond-Household Sharing Customs.
- JONES, Eric (UTH TMC) A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Relevance of Ecological Dimensions of Hazards for Political Leadership NGUYEN, Ann and JONES, Eric C. (UTH TMC) Political Participation and Community Cohesion as Mediators of Wellbeing Following Hazard Events
- SKOGGARD, Ian (Yale U HRAF), TOUTEE, Louise (Yale U), and RAJA, Isana (Oxford U) Effects of Warfare and Natural Hazards on Religiosity
SAS Business Meeting — Broadway III, 6:00-7:00 pm
- All are welcome!
SAS Reception — Broadway III, 7:00-8:30 pm
- All are welcome!
Saturday, March 28
Advancing Cultural Model Theory and Folding Affordance Theory, Part I (SAS) — Broadway III, 9:00-10:45 am
- BENNARDO, Giovanni (NIU) Cultural Model Theory: A Polynesian Ontology
- DRESSLER, William (UA) A Common Understanding
- DENGAH, Francois (FSU) Culture, Motivation, and the Individual: A Cognitive Anthropological Approach to Behavior
- HERTZOG, Werner (U Zurich) Tzotzil-Maya Humoral Medicine: Cultural Consensus and Sensory Bases of Hot and Cold Food Categories
Advancing Cultural Model Theory and Folding Affordance Theory, Part II (SAS) — Broadway III, 11:15 am-1:00 pm
- CHAIR: DE MUNCK, Victor (Vilnius U)
- DE MUNCK, Victor (Vilnius U) Affordances That Complement Cultural Models of Normative Courtship Sequences
- GATEWOOD, John (Lehigh U) Thinking Is a Complex Activity
- SNOEK, Conor (U Lethbridge) Cognitive Artifacts and Cultural Models in Language Learning